Zeven kleine Vrienden | Jane Werner | Gouden Boekje

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Zeven kleine vrienden | Jane Werner | Garth Williams | Gouden Boekje


Er woonde eens een bedrijvige dierenfamilie in een klein huisje diep in het bos. Een prachtig verhaal over een aantal dieren die een thuis vinden.

Auteur: Jane Werner | Illustrator: Garth Williams | Bewerkt door Han G. Hoekstra


Oorspronkelijke titel “ANIMAL FRIENDS” (1953)

Garth Montgomery Williams (April 16, 1912 – May 8, 1996) was a well known American illustrator for children's book/literature from the 20th century. Williams is most notable for his illustrations in classic American children's books such as Charlotte's Web. William's was inspired by his parents who were both artists of some kind as well. In the later part of his life Williams lived primarily in Marfil, a small town west of Guanajuato, Mexico. He was part of a colony of expatriates who built or rebuilt homes in the ruins of the silver mines of colonial Mexico. At 81 he estimated that he had illustrated 97 books.

At 84 Williams died at his home in Marfil; he was buried in Aspen, Colorado. He had been married four times and had five daughters.


Zeven kleine vrienden | Hardcover | Rubinstein b.v.
9789054448822 | € 8.99
